Northern Central G.T.

This is one completely different Grand Temple in respect of birth or division from a larger Grand Temple like many others in the history of the Independent Order of True Templars. This Grand Temple came into existence as a result of disgust or disappointment in term of running the affairs of a Grand Temple. This situation left many members in the other Grand Temples operating particularly in Transvaal area disgruntled.

The fore runners and leaders of these Templars were, among many others, Rev E.E. Khumalo, Rev S.A. Ngwenya, Rev B.S. Rajwili, Sister E.M. Piliso, Rev T. Gonya and Sr S. Khali.

A Special meeting of all the disgruntled members was called and held at Phokeng in Rustenburg in December 1966. The Special Meeting was well attended as members came in their great numbers. Discussions pertained chiefly on focussing on to forming a single major group that would lead to the creation of a solid strong Grand Temple. Amazingly, in one spirit and in a unanimous vote, a resolution was passed that:-

  • A new Grand Temple be formed.
  • Sub-Temples be well organised in the various areas from where the members came.
  • The new Grand Temple shall have no boundaries.

This was also supposed to be a clinical or healing formation – The Northern Central Grand Temple.

This Grand Temple was officially instituted on the 12th of August 1967 by the Right Worthy Templar, Sister J.M. Maurice, to the delight of all the members. They had founded a Home to the Glory of God.

The First Grand True Executive Committee that was elected in 1967 was as follows:

  1. G.T.T.                    : Bro Rev. B.S. Rajwili                      – 1967 – 1969
  2. D.R.W.T                : Bro Rev. E.E. Khumalo                 – 1967 – 1969
  3. P.G.T.T                 : Bro Ntuli                                            – 1967 – 1975
  4. G.T.C                     : Bro Rev. S.A. Ngwenya                   – 1967 – 1969
  5. G.T.S                     : Sr E.M. Piliso                                    – 1967 – 1979
  6. G.T.S.J.W             : Sr S. Khali                                          – 1967 – 1993
  7. G.T.V.T                 : Bro L.L. Phetheni                           – 1967 – 1969
  8. G.T.Treas             : Bro A.B. Mthimkhulu                   – 1967 – 1972
  9. G.T.Chap             : Bro Rev T. Gonya                           – 1967 – 1969
  10. G.T. M                  : Bro O.T. Mkhize                             – 1967 – 1969
  11. G.T.V.S                 : Bro B. Malga                                    – 1967 – 1982
  12. G.T.Mess             : Bro B.J. Mokhele                           – 1967 – 1977
  13. G.T.O.G                : Bro S. Lutya                                      – 1967 – 1976
  14. G.T.I.G                  : Sr L. Mkhize                                     – 1967 – 1994
  15. G.T.A.S                 : Sr F. Meti                                          – 1967 – 1970
  16. G.T.A.J.W            : Sr J.J. Jolobe                                    – 1967 – 1993
  17. G.T.R.S                 : Bro C Macingwana                        – 1967 – 1971

Youth Work

G.T.S.Y.W            Bro S. Sikhakhane (1980 – 1986)

G.T.A.S.Y.W        Sr M. Sisilana (1984 – 1996)


G.T.S.C.S              Sr R Moabelo (20058 – 2010)



A proposal was made that a bursary fund be launched and that it should be community based. A Steering Committee would be formed comprising representatives of Educationists, Priests, Social Workers and Nurses, within the I.O.T.T structures. These would draw up a constitution to that effect. They would appoint Trustees and also campaign for funding. The Committee would report annually to the Grand House at Sessions.


Project was proposed by the D.R.W.T, Bro Rev S.A. Ngwenya for developing on a site that was ear marked for Templars’ work.


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